Wednesday 25 July 2012

Global 2020 Team to take MonaVie business opportunity to Thailand via Carshalton

25th July 2012
Mark N Hopgood, UK MonaVie Executive leader was delighted this afternoon to speak with Pip and Raz from the Maneeya Thai restaurant in Carshalton.

Raz who turns 70 tomorrow told me about why he wanted to start a MonaVie business in Thailand while Pip focuses on the UK business.

"after taking monavie for a couple of days I noticed that my hay fever was completely gone. Normally my face would be all red and puffy but MonaVie seems to have helped. No more tablets for me. Also I want to lose weight and there is too much fat in my blood, so RVL will help me hopefully" said Raz

"monavie is a great product and as a practising buddhist, it's important to be honest and help my community. The products help in so many ways and when something makes you feel so good, you can't help but share it."

Mark will be organising regular tasting events and business opportunity meetings with Hugo the surrey based natutopath to explore the benefits financially and physically of MonaVie. These will take place weekly in Carshalton.

Contact Mark N Hopgood on for more information.

Sunday 22 July 2012

MonaVie UK Leader is pleased to announce 2 new members of the Global2020 Team

MonaVie UK Executive Level Leaders, Mark and Sue Hopgood are pleased to announce 2 new members of the Global2020 team.

A Thai Restaurant owner and a Health Food Shop owner have joined the team.

"Running a traditional business is difficult. However, with an amazing product like MonaVie and visible results through the RVL weight management system, we have an extra income stream. Mark's assistance with tasting parties and promotion of our new business helps to accelerate our success." PS, Restaurant Owner

Both business owners were fascinated with the healthy properties of the Aseye Berry (ACAI) combined with MonaVie's unique patented process for preserving the antioxidant power.

"In our store we've had other brands of ACAI which have gone rancid within a couple of days. MonaVie has solved the puzzle of how to get the berry out of Brazil in a usable way that will appeal to all health fans. The vegetable based glucosamine in the active product really piqued my interest and with Mark's support we've developed a winning relationship and business" WK, Health Store Owner

For more information on MonaVie and Global2020 team which is operating in UK, Thailand, Poland, Australia, Germany, France and USA, please contact.. Mark and Sue Hopgood

Call 07767 875 550 (UK)
Call 904 638 9046 (USA)
skype: mark.hopgood

Wednesday 18 July 2012

How I grow my MonaVie health juice business

If you are interested in making an additional income (extra money to fund your dreams) then the MonaVie opportunity is an international business that you can start for £25 or $39 and we make a millionaire every 25 days.

In this series, Mark N Hopgood, MonaVie Executive leader describes the process he goes through to grow his business. This post focuses on health food stores.


Step 1: Ask permission

to: owner
subject: your permission


We're launching a new new business opportunity in Sevenoaks.

Before I send information and testimonials,
would you be interested in taking a look at something
that could generate a second income for you and your family and


Mark and Sue
07767 875 550

Mark Hopgood, BSc (Joint Hons), P.G.C.E.
Director and P.A. to Sue Hopgood
01732 80 80 67 (UK)
07767 875 550  (UK)
904 638 9046    (USA)
skype: mark.hopgood

Step 2: Read the reply

Hi Mark

Where did you get my details?
If it is not going to take a lot of time and it is ethical, you can give me a rough idea of what it is?
I am probably far too busy but it might interest one of my family.


Step 3: Respond

Hi Sarah,

For sure.

We have a patent on a natural product with over 300 independent scientific studies.

I got involved because after 6 weeks my aches and pains and back pain had gone.

I've now been able to generate a second income through introdcuing this to other people and
have helped others with the product and to make a second income too.

Let me know your thoughts and if you know anyone who might be interested either from a product or business opportunity.

I can also give you access to the scientific studies surrounding this.

I got your details from the especially health. I'm a customer and follow the newsletter every so often.

07767 875 550 

Step 4: read the response

Hi Mark

Just got round to looking at the utube. It was fascinating seeing the Acai berries being harvested and processed. We do stock an Acai berry juice but it would be interesting to compare.  We also stocked a freeze dry powder but once opened it went rancid very quickly.  Have you ever tasted the berries I wonder what they taste like. I know they only keep fresh enough to eat for a day or so and therefore cannot be marketed fresh very far from where they are grown.

How much does the bottle of juice sell for?  Would it be feasible for us to stock it? Direct distributor products often have some drawbacks for us as retailers. If you think it might be worth pursuing, please bring a bottle in for us to taste.

Sorry it has taken months to get round to this.

Best wishes
Sarah Cox
Step 5: respond and get a time to meet

Hi Sarah,
Would it be ok if I popped over on Friday.
I can bring some products to share and we'll have a chat.

What time is best?


I then took a bottle over which everyone in the shop tried. They loved it, had a bit of a question and answer session. I shared the info (printed bottle) and talked about glucosamine.

They have one other person they would like to share it with then will get back to me on Wednesday. They also asked if I would do a tasting session for them in their shop on Saturday which I agreed. 

The advantage to them is that they already have people who are interested in healthy products and a few people who currently buy juice.

Onwards and upwards.

If you would like tofind out about the amazing product and opportunity that is MonaVie
contact Mark N Hopgood -


Friday 13 July 2012

Getting into summer with MonaVie and HolidayBody

London, UK
13th July 2012 - For Immediate Release

MonaVie executive leaders Mark N Hopgood and Sue Hopgood are pleased to anounce 2 new alliances aimed at helping people get in shape for the summer. Following the recent partnership with Mark  Macdonald, CNN's fitness and weight loss guru, MonaVie has been a fantastic success in the UK with their RVL weight management system.

The 2 new alliances with MonaVie RVL are with London's largest online weight loss group - Lose Weight Get Fit - and the facebook group from USA, Holiday Body Both organisations will be offering RVL, weight management solution and online tracking system which will be offered free of charge to existing members and fans.

"We've been celebrating helping 3 of our good friends to lose weight. Aproximately 1 lb loss every day or so is achievable safely with our system", says Mark. "Marion lost 15lb in 2 weeks and Richard has now lost 6 and a half stone in six months. We're looking forward to helping many more of our friends."
Contact Mark or Sue

01732 463 902 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)

More information on MonaVie RVL at