Wednesday 25 July 2012

Global 2020 Team to take MonaVie business opportunity to Thailand via Carshalton

25th July 2012
Mark N Hopgood, UK MonaVie Executive leader was delighted this afternoon to speak with Pip and Raz from the Maneeya Thai restaurant in Carshalton.

Raz who turns 70 tomorrow told me about why he wanted to start a MonaVie business in Thailand while Pip focuses on the UK business.

"after taking monavie for a couple of days I noticed that my hay fever was completely gone. Normally my face would be all red and puffy but MonaVie seems to have helped. No more tablets for me. Also I want to lose weight and there is too much fat in my blood, so RVL will help me hopefully" said Raz

"monavie is a great product and as a practising buddhist, it's important to be honest and help my community. The products help in so many ways and when something makes you feel so good, you can't help but share it."

Mark will be organising regular tasting events and business opportunity meetings with Hugo the surrey based natutopath to explore the benefits financially and physically of MonaVie. These will take place weekly in Carshalton.

Contact Mark N Hopgood on for more information.

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